
Semantic Search(Paper)

yeoshim 2012. 8. 23. 11:11

Semantic Search
R. Guha
  IBM Research, Almaden
Rob McCool  Knowledge Systems Lab, Stanford Stanford, CA, USA
Eric Miller  W3C/MIT Cambridge, MA, USA



 Semantic search is an application of the Semantic Web to search.

We believe that the addition of explicit semantics can improve search.

Semantic Search attempts to augment and improve traditional search results (based on Information Retrieval technology) by using data from the Semantic Web.


 Traditional Information Retrieval (IR) technology is based almost purely on the occurrence of words in documents.

Search engines like Google [9]), augment this in the context of the Web with information about the hyperlink structure of the Web.


Navigational Searches: In this class of searches, the user provides the search engine a phrase or combination of words which s/he expects to find in the documents. There is no straightforward, reasonable interpretation of these words as denoting a concept. In such cases, the user is using the search engine as a navigation tool to navigate to a particular intended document.
We are not interested in this class of searches.

예) A search query like “W3C track 2pm Panel” does not denote any concept. The user is likely just trying to find the page containing all these words.


Research Searches: In many other cases, the user provides the search engine with a phrase which is intended to denote an object about which the user is trying to gather/research information. There is no particular document which the user knows about that s/he is trying to get to. Rather, the user is trying to locate a number of documents which together will give him/her the information s/he is trying to find. This is the class of searches we are interested in.

예) search queries like “Eric Miller” or “Dublin Ohio”, denote a person or a place. The user is likely doing an research search on the person or place denoted by the query.


We have built two Semantic Search systems. The first system, Activity Based Search (ABS), provides Semantic Search for a range
of domains, including musicians, athletes, actors, places and products.
The second system (W3C Semantic Search) is more focused and provides Semantic Search for the website of the World Wide Web Consortium (


 Both the Semantic Search application and these portions of the Semantic Web have been built on top of the TAP infrastructure.


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